As a foreign producer, do I need to appoint an authorised representative?
Foreign producers who introduce electrical or electronic equipment to the Dutch market can directly become members of Stichting OPEN without the requirement to appoint an authorized representative. Since March 1st, Stichting OPEN has assumed producer responsibility for all producers, including foreign ones, operating in the Netherlands. With its broadly applicable waste management fee agreement, Stichting OPEN effectively fulfills the role of an authorized representative. Therefore, Stichting OPEN believes that appointing an authorized representative is unnecessary and less efficient. Foreign producers who fulfill their obligations under the waste management fee agreement with Stichting OPEN can receive a compliance statement. This statement can be presented in their own country to demonstrate compliance with Dutch legislation regarding producer responsibility for electrical and electronic equipment. For further information on how Stichting OPEN handles the role of the authorized representative, please refer to our statement. While foreign producers have the freedom to appoint an authorized representative, Stichting OPEN believes it is not required in this context.