Read all frequently asked questions by collection points due to the merger of Stichting OPEN and Stichting Batterijen.
Because we are stronger together. In more than one way. The partnership is mainly the result of the need for a more integrated approach to the collection and recycling of batteries and electrical appliances. This will eventually lead to efficiency improvements through the integration of systems and processes, a stronger representation of producer interests and a greater influence on policy.
The short answer:
In a legal sense, it concerns a merger between Stichting OPEN and Stichting Stibat Services, which is the administrative organisation of Stichting Batterijen.
The longer answer:
Stichting OPEN and Stichting Batterijen have entered into a partnership at both the administrative and the operational level. One aspect of this partnership is the merger between Stichting OPEN and the administrative organisation of Stichting Batterijen (Stichting Stibat Services). Through the Batteries Federation, Stichting Batterijen (for importers and producers of portable batteries) and Stichting EPAC (for importers and producers of bicycle batteries) join the governance structure of Stichting OPEN.
Your organisation will primarily experience (positive) changes with regard to communication, processes and access to a broader range of services. The merger will hardly affect your daily operational processes, if at all. Likewise, any direct contacts you have will be unaffected.
The key benefits are a stronger collective voice, improved efficiency through the eventual integration of systems and processes, a potential reduction of long-term costs and a stronger negotiating position with the government and other stakeholders.
The merger is aimed at streamlining collection processes and optimising efficiency. Eventually, there will be a single collection point for all e-waste and batteries. This takes up less space and sends a clearer message to your customers. In the future, we can also integrate and further improve collection requests and the underlying logistical processes.
For now, you can continue to submit collection requests for e-waste in the usual manner. Collection requests for batteries are best submitted online at The collection frequency will remain the same for the time being. Our goal is to visit you within five to ten working days of receiving your collection request.
If you currently have an agreement with Stibat for the collection and/or sorting of portable batteries, this agreement will automatically transfer to a new subsidiary of Stichting OPEN called ‘Afvalbeheerstructuur batterijen BV’. Note: your fees will be paid out from a new bank account number in name of the aforementioned organisation from 1 January 2024.