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New video: producer responsibility

The legal producer responsibility for electrical appliances has been in place for 25 years and in 1 generation we have recycled 3 billion kilos of electrical waste. Together, we make it possible for electrical waste not to disappear, but rather to be given a new life as a raw material for tomorrow’s products. Pictures speak louder than words, which is why we made a video about producer responsibility in addition to all our recycling videos.

Producer responsibility
Together, we have recycled 3 billion kilos of electrical waste into new raw materials in one generation. Together we can get it done! How? Watch the video here.

Video recycling
And do you know these videos? This shows why it is so important to hand in electrical appliances, lamps and batteries that are gathering dust or broken for reuse or recycling. In addition, all videos pay a lot of attention to the human role in the collection and recycling process by means of close-ups and short quotas