With various activities, we are committed to the sustainable and efficient processing of discarded appliances, lamps, and batteries.
Collection and recycling: Together with our partners, we operate a nationwide collection network with 30,000 drop-off points. Here, discarded appliances, lamps, and batteries are safely collected, transported, and processed. In 2023, this resulted in 219 million kilograms of electronic waste being collected—a record!
Education and awareness: Through our Wecycle and Wecycle for Businesses campaigns and educational resources, we enhance knowledge and awareness about handling electronic waste. By sharing knowledge, we contribute to a circular future.
Jacqueline Reinders
Marketingadvisor Stichting OPEN
For years, we have been building the Wecycle brand, through which we tell a comprehensive recycling story. The energy, investments, and choices behind the numerous campaigns are paying off. Wecycle receives a 7.8 rating from consumers.