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How to submit a report

If you are registered as a producer or importer with Stichting OPEN, you report your “Put on Market” data annually through our online portal, MyOPEN. You will automatically receive a notification when it’s time to submit your report. The frequency of your report depends on the size of your company. Larger participants submit their reports quarterly, while others do so annually. Starting January 1, 2025, all participants will submit their reports through the new MyOPEN 2.0 platform.

How to report appliances and/or lamps?

Reporting is done in two steps:

  1. Categorizing Products
    When submitting your report, you first categorize your products under the six main categories from the WEEE regulation. Then, you assign them to one of the seventy subcategories. The product search tool can help you categorize your products correctly. If your product is not listed and you can’t figure it out, please contact our Producers Services department. They will gladly assist you.
  2. Reporting Quantities
    Then, you report the total number of items and the total net weight for each category of products that you have actually placed or sold on the Dutch market. Net weight means including electronic accessories but excluding packaging, manuals, and any included or integrated battery/battery packs.

How to report batteries and batteries packs?

You create your personal battery list based on your own preference. You can choose how to organize it. Many users prefer to have their own administration generate the battery list. Below are two examples: one based on articles, the other based on battery type.

  • Articles
    If you want to transfer all articles with batteries from your range to the report list in MyOPEN 2.0, create your battery list based on article codes or descriptions. Also, specify how many batteries are in one article. This way, you only need to fill in the total number of articles sold during the period in each report.
  • Battery Type
    If many of the articles in your range contain the same type of batteries, and you can easily extract this information from your sales data, create a battery list based on battery type, such as Alkaline AA, CR2032, or LR44. This way, your battery list will be much shorter than if you report per article, making it quicker to complete.

Please find here our overview batteries 2025.