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Incentive scheme for producers who collect

We encourage producers/importers to collect discarded appliances, lamps, and batteries themselves. By doing so, you contribute further to the collection of these products in the Netherlands, ensuring that more discarded appliances enter the proper recycling circuit. This is our Incentive Scheme. Arrange this with us and as a producer or importer, make an agreement with a CENELEC-certified processor to send the discarded appliances there for proper processing. Afterwards, we will provide additional support through the Incentive Scheme, on top of the material value you negotiate with the processor.

Collecting and Recycling Products at the End of Their Life Cycle

As a producer or importer of appliances, lamps, or batteries, once you bring products to the Dutch market, you are subject to the legal producer responsibility. You must ensure that discarded appliances, lamps, and batteries are collected, sorted, and recycled at the end of their life. To support this, producers and importers established Stichting OPEN, which centrally handles producer responsibility in the Netherlands.

Additional Incentive

If you, as a producer or importer, collect discarded electrical appliances, you can participate in Stichting OPEN’s Incentive Scheme. There are entry requirements for this, so ask about the conditions. Producers and importers who separately collect and offer the following discarded products to a participating CENELEC-certified processor will receive the following incentive payment per product group, on top of the material value they negotiate with the processor:

  • €125 per ton for large, small, and ICT appliances
  • €125 per ton for cables (with input and output)
  • €150 per ton for light fixtures
  • €150 per ton for built-in air conditioners and heat pumps (new!)
  • €200 per ton for boilers and water heaters

These discarded appliances are still often processed in non-certified ways due to the high value of the metals in the appliances. As a result, valuable raw materials are lost, hazardous substances are released, and there is an increased risk of waste fires. There are still metal companies that mix these appliances with other metals. We want to close those gaps. The more companies understand how to properly dispose of discarded appliances, batteries, and lamps, the more we can collect and recycle. Together, we will make it happen!

Want to learn more?

Are you registered with us and want to participate in the Incentive Scheme? We would be happy to explain how you can do this. Contact Peter de Haan, account manager, at +31 6 – 146 123 54.