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Waste management fee: why and how much

Producers and importers of appliances, lamps, batteries, or (bicycle) batteries are required to pay a waste management contribution to Stichting OPEN. This amount is based on the annual production and/or import report. Through the waste management contribution, we ensure a level playing field, with everyone sharing the cost of the collection and recycling system.

Breakdown of the contribution

The waste management contribution consists of operational costs and system costs. Operational costs include things like the collection, transport, sorting, and processing of discarded products. System costs cover expenses for organization, communication, research, inspections, and audits.

The rates

The rates for the waste management contribution are determined annually based on the predicted “Put on Market” (POM) and operational costs. These rates are fixed.

When do you pay an advance?

If your annual waste management contribution exceeds €6,000, we collect an advance payment on a monthly basis. This advance allows us to fund the costs of the collection and recycling system throughout the calendar year. The advance is calculated by multiplying your “Put on Market” data from the previous year by the rates for the new year.

When will you receive the advance invoices?

We send out the advance invoices for the upcoming month on the first day of each month. The advances are settled with the next year’s submission. If you report quarterly, the settlement will happen on a quarterly basis.

What do we report to the NWR?

The government has appointed the National (W)EEE Register (NWR) to create and manage a registry. This is done according to the Regulation on Discarded Electrical and Electronic Equipment. Stichting OPEN registers and reports the data of producers and importers of appliances and lamps to the NWR.

What Is your annual contribution to the NWR?

Every producer or importer is required to pay a fixed annual contribution to the NWR. For 2024, the contribution was €45. We will invoice you for this amount at the end of the calendar year, and we will then pay it directly to the National (W)EEE Register.

WEEE registration number

Some European countries issue a WEEE registration number. However, in the Netherlands, the National (W)EEE Register does not use such a number. To prove that you are compliant with your producer responsibility in the Netherlands, you can refer to the National (W)EEE Register website, where you will find a list of registered producers/importers. Stichting OPEN also provides an overview of registered producers/importers on its website.