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Together we are open

Welcome to the informative web page about the merger between Stichting OPEN and the (administrative organisation of) Stichting Batterijen. We will be combining our strengths from 1 January 2024. From that moment on, we will organise the collection and recycling of electrical waste and batteries in an integral manner. On this page, you will find more information about the advantages of this joint approach and various other practical aspects. Scroll down for the FAQ, where you will find the answers to the most frequently asked questions. If your question is not listed there, you can submit it easily. We will quickly get back to you shortly with an answer to your question and we will add your question to the FAQ.

From 2024, together we are OPEN. All employees from both organizations look forward to the new partnership. We are eager to do our part for a healthier, cleaner environment even more effectively. This merger will lead to myriad synergistic benefits with regard to the implementation and more effective workflows.

Our partnership will also lead to strong, unambiguous communication with both consumers and business users about the separate return of appliances, built-in and loose batteries and bicycle batteries. The benefits do not stop there. For example, we can further streamline the collection process, establish a larger helpdesk and back office and optimise our logistics.

What is Stichting OPEN

The Organization for Producer Responsibility of E-waste Netherlands (OPEN) implements the legal producer responsibility for e-waste on behalf of all manufacturers of electrical appliances in the Netherlands.